Create a blog website based on jekyll

Good tools are essential to do the job well. This blog is used to record how to use jekyll.

1 What is jekyll?

Jekyll is a tool which can help you create a static blog website fastly and easilly.

Here are some links about jekyll:

Here are some blog websites based on jekyll, they provide good examples

2 A quick start about how to use jekyll. [on ubuntu server]

2.1 Install

# Install ruby
sudo apt-get install ruby-full build-essential zlib1g-dev

echo '# Install Ruby Gems to ~/gems' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export GEM_HOME="$HOME/gems"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

# Change gem's source, you can use `gem sources -l` to see wether the source has been
# changed sucessfully. This step is not essential. However, if you don't do that, the
# download speed of gem will be super slow :)
gem sources --remove
# 国内加速源
gem sources --add

# install jekyll and  bundler
gem install jekyll bundler

# Change bundle's source. For same reason of changing gem's source.
# 国内加速源
bundle config mirror.

2.2 View the first jekyll page in local

# Init jekyll website dir
jekyll new ~/myblog
cd myblog
# start the serve
jekyll serve
# Now browse to http://localhost:4000

# When you want to browse the website on another PC which is in the same
# LAN as your serve, use following cmd. Then, you can browse to the 
# x.x.x.x:4000 where x.x.x.x is the ip of your serve.
jekyll serve -w --host=

# if want to see drafts, use
jekyll serve -w --host= --drafts

OK, now a website is ready. The rest is how to decorate the website, enjoy it!

3 how to publish the blog website on the internet?

There are many ways to publish the website, some are free and some should pay some money.

Free ways:

The greatest advantage of free ways is free, the biggest disadvantage of paid ways is I must give some money to service provider. OK, for a better browsing experience and saving time, I choose a paid way

step 1: Buy cloudbase service.

step 2: enable static web hosting service.

step 3: Install tcb on local PC.

apt install nodejs npm
npm i -g @cloudbase/cli
tcb login --key
cd <website path>
tcb hosting deploy ./ -e <envid>

4 Some records about how to decorate the website

4.1 Add favicon.ico

The error is very annoying, fix it!

Not Found: /favicon.ico

OK, the ico has been shown on the tab now.

4.2 Default values of website

Set the values in _config.yml

      path: "/_posts/"
      author: Nrush